Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"It has become the time of evening when people sit on their porches..." - James Agee

There comes a point every night of the week where my drive to study and work is overcome with my drive to do ANYTHING ELSE. I could do any activity besides study and be content. Yet, the only thing I need to do it study. I know I'm not revealing a deep secret of the human psyche here, but it remains an interesting phenomenon in my existence.

Things I would rather be doing:
- Sleeping
- Eating
- Watching TV
- Reading a book, non-law-related
- Reading my Google Reader
- Making cookies
- Composing an opera
- Fighting a dragon
- Expounding upon the mysteries of the relationship between Godzilla and Mothra, his secret lover (in my mind)
- Playing a video game
- Watching grass grow
- Getting a root canal
- Slamming my head against a wall
- Kenny G

And that is just a short list of alternatives to what I am supposed to be doing. Every week I concoct a marvelous scheme to be ahead for the week, allowing me to complete homework days in advance and affording me valuable free time, with which to dick around.

I have yet to execute aforementioned schemes.

My goal for the rest of this week shall be to actually finish my homework prior to the day that it is due. Let's see how that goes, shall we?

On a sadder note, tomorrow is Wednesday. We all know what that means. If I don't blog again for over a week, I have crawled into a bottle of scotch in an attempt to forget what a Tort is and furthermore to never 'introduce' myself to law again.



1 comment:

sharongracepjs said...

I'm proud of you. Like, SEW proud. Whether or not you end up fighting dragons.